I was invited to a huge American War of Independence game over this past weekend. There were eight commanders and as we arrived, this is the table that was awaiting our battle lust. The table was about 5x12 feet, and was a beautiful layout. I took several more photographs, but these few should illustrate the setup.

Deployment of the troops began using a double-blind system. Both armies had similar strategies, hold the center and attack on the flanks. Therefore, strength met strength. Here are a few pictures as lines were formed and the battle raged. These are 20 MM Frying Pan and Blanket figures.

The battle was fun, and the group of guys was terrific to game with. However, I have been spoiled by Fast Play Grande Armee (FPGA) for other large scale battles. The rule set used was a home grown set. Its combat mechanics were cumbersome and required calculators to figure percentages of battalion size. One rolled two average dice, applied any modifiers and then calculated the damage given. This then equated to how many hits you did to the opposing force. Old school.

After 7 hours of gaming, people had to leave. The battle was not even close to being completed. I was disappointed to play that long and not have a resolution. With FPGA a large scale conflict can be resolved in 3 hours with a clear decision.
While there is inspiration to draw from the scenery and from the brilliant afternoon spent with a great bunch of guys, I doubt I will be willing to play this rule set again.